Mats-Up feat. Mbuso Khoza

The collaboration between the Swiss band Mats-Up and the South African singer Mbuso Khoza began in 2019 and is probably one of the most successful current examples of cultural exchange. The common denominator is mutual respect and mutual interest. In recruiting Mbuso Khoza, Swiss trumpeter and composer Matthias Spillmann was able to gain a singer who is not only one of the finest connoisseurs of South African archaic vocal music but also an improviser with almost infinite vocal possibilities, including body percussion and storytelling.
For Mbuso Khoza and the long-standing group Mats-Up, Spillmann has adapted traditional South African songs and personal compositions. Thanks to the sensitivity and open-minded improvisational approach of all those involved, the whole thing blends into Afro-European spiritual jazz.

Mats-up online

Mbuso Khoza
Matthias Spillmann
Reto Suhner
Marc Méan
Raffaele Bossard
Dominic Egli


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